Sunday, November 26, 2006

Official Letter of Dump-ation. supposedly. from her. tat idiot

To Maung Ko Zaw

It has been observed that Nur Faiqah Bte Hamzah, NIRC no. S8xxxxxx, Matric no. U06xxxxx, DOB. 04 December 1987, has officially issued a dumping statement to the aforementioned, Maung Ko Zaw.

Henceforth, she shall have no physical inclinations and obligations towards the aforementioned.

The material wealth shared by the two parties shall we allotted as per follows:
90 percent of everything owed by Maung Ko Zaw shall be bestowed upon Nur Faiqah Bte Hamzah to sustain her Care Bear fetish. This has been in accordance to the vow made by the aforementioned dated 22 November 2006, promising to buy Nur Faiqah Bte Hamzah all the Care Bears and Care Bear merchandise that have yet to be in her possesion.
All forms of bank accounts held by the aforementioned, shared with Nur Faiqah Bte Hamzah or not, shall be frozen and the assets shall be forwarded to Nur Faiqah Bte Hamzah's POSB account. Hence, all debit and atm cards shall be confisticated within 2 hours onset of this email. Please do not resist confistication else dire repercussions will ensue.
Maung Ko Zaw is ordered to forward 50 percent of his monthly allowance to Nur Faiqah Bte Hamzah at the start on each month. This is to maintain all the free meals that the aforementioned had once provided Nur Faiqah Bte Hamzah during their good times.
Maung Ko Zaw will have no access to the joint/shared account opened by the both of them.
Maung Ko Zaw is to revive their only kin, the sea monkeys, so as custody of the sea monkeys can be established and hence Nur Faiqah Bte Hamzah can conduct weekly visits to spend time with beloved sea monkeys.
Please observe the above-mentioned conditions stated in this official letter. Failure to do so will result in major scarring of moonstone face.
\n \nAppreciate your consideration. Thanks and regards.\n \nYours Sincerely.\n \nThis is letter requires no signature. This is a computer generated letter. No response needed.\n\n",0]

Appreciate your consideration. Thanks and regards.

Yours Sincerely.

This is letter requires no signature. This is a computer generated letter. No response needed.

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